Breaking down the barriers for women in Fiji

A new generation of young Fijian women like Payal Paddy are breaking down gender barriers to build their own businesses. They’ll be doing this with the support of  a new partnership between Good Return and the Market Development Facility, an Australian Government initiative implemented by Palladium. The partners  have a mission to develop sustainable and accessible financial products for women-led MSMEs in Fiji.

Ms Paddy owns and runs the first-female led car detailing company in Fiji. She has a passion for technology and wants to build her business by developing products which can stop corrosion - a big issue in Fiji - for boats, vehicles, homes and machinery. 

“I want to be a leader in the industrial field in Fiji, and encourage women to get into trade.  Already one of my employees who was destined to be a housemaid is now the best car detailer in my business!”

Ms Paddy has built up her business on her own, and, as with many women, she was unable to get funding from a traditional bank as she does not have the security or deposit required. She has applied for a number of government grants, but some were cancelled before the application process was completed. 

Good Return will work with a local financial service provider to develop a responsible loan product for women, and build their capacity to assist clients from lower socio-economic backgrounds and become more inclusive. MDF will give chosen businesses access to planning tools, business coaching and work spaces and refer the business to Good Return for a loan.  Good Return will then use our Impact Investment Fund to guarantee responsible loans to local businesses.

We can’t wait to keep you updated on the businesses supported by this partnership.


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