Making a complaint
Good Return is an organisation with an open ethos, and we attempt to resolve all complaints without delay in an efficient, responsive, transparent, fair and timely manner with as little formality as possible. We give special consideration for those complainants who are from minority groups, who are in any way disadvantaged, or who may be in some way vulnerable. You can access our full complaints policy here.
How to make a complaint
Please send us your feedback or complaint by emailing support@goodreturn.org.
You can also write to us at:
Good Return
383 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Raising an issue with ACFID
Good Return is a member of the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) and is committed to full adherence to the ACFID Code of Conduct. Complaints against signatory agencies may be initiated by any member of the public by following ACFID’s Code of Conduct Complaints Handling Process either via their website , email code@acfid.asn.au or telephone 02 6281 9220.
Loan Program
Good Return holds an Australian Financial Services Licence 504804 (AFSL) covering the Loan Program. Complaints relating to a breach or potential breach of Good Return's AFSL obligations may be referred to AFCA (Australian Financial Complaints Authority ), a free, independent complaint resolution service. They can be contacted via their website, email: info@afca.org.au or phone: 1800 931 678.