Partner with us to build financial capability
The goal of Good Return’s CAFE (Consumer Awareness Financial Empowerment) Initiative is to enable low income households to achieve financial wellbeing. In order to achieve this, CAFE works with local partners to bring people in poverty innovative training and tools that enable them to take control of their financial life.
Partner with CAFE Initiative
We can help you build localised financial literacy programs for your communities. The CAFE Initiative provides a suite of resources that can be adapted to meet your needs. CAFE programs can be tailored for course content, and can be delivered in person, or through digital engagement to enable access to more people.
Complete our contact form and the CAFE team will get back to you about working together.
What is our behaviour approach to building financial capability?
The CAFE Initiative uses Behavioural Design (a multidisciplinary methodology combining insights from behavioural economics, human-centred design and cognitive psychology) to build a practical solution. While many financial education programs focus on building knowledge and skills to choose and use financial products and services, there is often a gap when it comes to translating that knowledge into action.
Reinforcement, over the time it takes to adopt changes in behaviour, is necessary to sustain behaviour change. The CAFE initiative acknowledges that behaviour change and positive financial habit formation is a long-term process. The initiative is therefore designed to provide ongoing reinforcement, feedback opportunities and support mechanisms for those moving through a process of experimentation toward adoption and refinement.
There are several courses available to be tailored as part of the CAFE Initiative:
Financial Literacy - Financial Foundation course
This 10-week course is designed for women and men with low literacy who are marginalised and financially excluded. . It focuses on providing learners with basic financial knowledge to enable them to be able to translate learning into the necessary skills and behaviours that empower mindful, informed and confident financial action.
Financial Education - Applied course
The 10-week CAFE Applied course is designed for both learners who completed the CAFE Financial foundation and other financially excluded men and women who already have some basic financial knowledge and awareness, to experiment and practise these knowledge, skills, and behaviour in making informed financial choices that ultimately enhances financial well-being.
Financial Education - CAFE Financial coaching
This 6-week course is for those who have limited financial literacy knowledge and want to gain further knowledge to improve their financial wellbeing. The course identifies financial priorities, e.g. saving, debt reduction and planning for emergencies. It also reflects on specific financial goals and encourages family dialogue.
The 6 weeks course includes the following modules:
Session 1: Money Mindfulness; Session2: Map & Plan; Session 3: Choose and Use; Session 4: Communicate and Negotiate; Session 5: Protect and Build; Session 6: Adopt and Apply
Financial Education – Strengthen Your Business Program (SYBP)/Enterprise Development
The SYBP 16-week course is designed for (women) entrepreneurs with limited financial education and business skills. The course objective is to empower (women) entrepreneurs who run MSMEs/SMEs to be financially sustainable and able to grow their business.
CAFE Digital Project (CDP)
Through this project we aim to build the digital financial capability of the learners who are financially excluded by using various digital means so that the learners have the combination of knowledge, skills, attitudes and self-efficacy needed to exercise money management decisions, that best fit the circumstances of one’s own life and support ones financial wellbeing.
My Money Tracker (MMT) App
My Money Tracker is a Khmer and English language money tracking application designed to help micro-entrepreneurs to separate and manage their household and business finances and create a digital record of finances. The mobile app is available for free on Android through the Google Play Store and has offline capability. It has been designed with icons for low-literate users and is targeted towards individuals managing a daily cash flow.